[스크랩] 미술가ㅣ 미켈란젤로

2013. 7. 26. 09:49사람과사람들



Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni(1475. 3. 6 이탈리아 피렌체 공화국 카프레세~ 1564. 2. 18 로마. 이탈리아의 화가·조각가·건축가·시인.) 미켈란젤로는 살아 있는 동안에는 물론 현대에 이르기까지 여러 세기에 걸쳐 가장 위대한 예술가의 한 사람으로 추앙받아왔다. 수많은 그의 회화·조각·건축 작품들은 현존하는 가장 유명한 작품들로 손꼽힌다. 그중 오늘날 가장 잘 알려진 것은 시스티나 예배당의 천장화임에도 불구하고 미켈란젤로는 스스로를 무엇보다도 조각가라고 여겼다. 그는 평생 대리석 조각에 몰두했으며 단지 일정 기간만 다른 분야의 예술작업을 했을 뿐이다. 미켈란젤로가 생전에 유명해진 또다른 이유는 그의 예술 생애에 대한 기록이 당시나 그 이전의 어느 예술가보다도 훨씬 풍부하게 남겨졌기 때문이다. 그는 살아 있는 동안에 훌륭한 전기가 2편이나 출판된 최초의 예술가였다. 그중 하나는 화가이자 건축가였던 조르조 바사리가 쓴 〈예술가 열전 Lives of the Most Einent Painters, Sculptors & Architects〉(1550)의 마지막 장으로, 이 장에서 바사리는 현존하는 예술가로서 유일하게 다룬 미켈란젤로의 작품을 그 이전의 다른 모든 예술가들의 역작을 능가하는 예술의 최고봉으로 평가했다. 이같은 찬사에도 충분히 만족하지 못한 미켈란젤로는 조수였던 아스카니오 콘디비를 시켜 별도로 짤막한 책(1553)을 쓰게 했다. 아마도 미켈란젤로의 구두 설명을 기초로 해서 썼을 이 책은 그가 원하는 그의 모습을 보여준다. 미켈란젤로가 죽은 후 바사리는 〈예술가 열전〉의 2번째 판(1568)에 반박론을 실었다. 학자들은 콘디비의 권위있는 저술을 선호하지만, 바사리의 생동감 넘치는 문장과 그의 책이 지닌 전반적인 중요성 및 여러 나라 말로 자주 재판되는 등의 이유에서 바사리가 쓴 미켈란젤로의 전기는 가장 일반적인 참고자료가 되고 있다. 또한 그가 남긴 수백 통의 편지, 스케치, 시 등의 유품은 생전에 누린 명성으로 당대의 어느 누구보다도 많이 보전되어 있다. 그러나 이렇듯 엄청난 자료에도 불구하고 논쟁의 여지가 있는 문제들에 대해서는 종종 미켈란젤로의 주장만 알려져 있다.

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시스티나 예배당(정면)

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최후의 심판

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최후의 심판


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리비아의 무녀(巫女)

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에리트레아의 무녀(巫女)

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빛과 어둠의 창조(創造)

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델포이의 무녀(巫女

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이브의 창조



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노아의 번제(燔祭)

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하늘과 물의 분리



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성 베드로의 책형

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사울의 회심(回心)

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미래의 왕 우지아와 그의 어머니

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미래의 왕 에제치아와 그의 어머니

 미래의 왕 조로바벨과 그의 양친
미래의 왕 조로바벨과 그의 양친

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미래의 왕 요시아와 그의 양친


성요셉이 있는 성가족
성요셉이 있는 성가족

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켄타우루스족의 싸움

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계단의 성모






묶여 있는 노예
묶여 있는 노예

로렌초 데 메디치(아침.저녁의 연인상)
로렌초 데 메디치(아침.저녁의 연인상)

쥴리아노 데 메디치(낮과 밤의 연인상)
쥴리아노 데 메디치(낮과 밤의 연인상)



이미지를 클릭하시면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.

Madonna of the Stairs1490-92Marble, 56 x 40 cmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Battlec. 1492Marble, 84,5 x 90,5 cmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Battlec. 1492Marble, 84,5 x 90,5 cmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Crucifix1492Polychrome wood, 142 x 135 cmSanto Spirito, Florence St Petronius1494Marble, height: 64 cm with baseSan Domenico, Bologna
St Proculus1494Marble, height: 58,5 cm with baseSan Domenico, Bologna Angel with Candlestick1494-95Marble, height 51,5 cmSan Domenico, Bologna Angel with Candlestick (detail)1494-95MarbleSan Domenico, Bologna Bacchus1497Marble, height 203 cmMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Bacchus (detail)1497Marble, height: 203 cmMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
Madonna and Child1501-05Marble, height 128 cm (including base)O.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges Madonna and Child1501-05MarbleO.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges Madonna and Child (detail)1501-05MarbleO.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges Madonna and Child (detail)1501-05MarbleO.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges Madonna and Child (detail)1501-05MarbleO.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges
St Paul1503-04Marble, height 127 cmDuomo, Siena St Peter1501-04MarbleDuomo, Siena Pius1501-04Marble, height 134 cmDuomo, Siena St Matthew1503Marble, height: 271 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence St Matthew1503Marble, height 271 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence
St Matthew (detail)1503MarbleGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Madonna (Pitti Tondo)1504-05Marble, 85,8 x 82 cmMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Pitti Tondo (detail)1504-05MarbleMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Tondo Pitti (detail)1504-05MarbleMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Tondo Pitti (detail)1504-05MarbleMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
Madonna and Child with the Infant Baptist (Taddei Tondo)1505-06Marble, diameter: 82,5 cmThe Royal Academy of Arts, London Risen Christ1521Marble, height 205 cmSanta Maria sopra Minerva, Rome Risen Christ1521Marble, height 205 cmSanta Maria sopra Minerva, Rome Risen Christ (detail)1521MarbleSanta Maria sopra Minerva, Rome The Risen Christ (first version)c. 1515Marble, height 205 cmMonastero San Vincenzo Martire, Bassano Romano
Hercules and Cacusc. 1525Clay, height 41 cmCasa Buonarroti, Florence David/Apollo1530Marble, height 146 cmMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence David/Apollo1530Marble, height 146 cmMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence David/Apollo (detail)1530MarbleMuseo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Crouching Boy1530-33Marble, height 54 cmThe Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Victory1532-34Marble, height 261 cmPalazzo Vecchio, Florence Victory (side view)1532-34Marble, height 261 cmPalazzo Vecchio, Florence Victory1532-34Marble, height 261 cmPalazzo Vecchio, Florence Brutus1540Marble, height 74 cm (without base)Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Brutus1540Marble, height 95 cm (with base)Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
David1504Marble, height 434 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence David (rear view)1504Marble, height 434 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence David (rear view)1504Marble, height 434 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence David (detail)1501-04MarbleGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence David (detail)1501-04MarbleGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence
David (detail)1501-04MarbleGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence David (detail)1501-04MarbleGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence David (detail)1501-04MarbleGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Tomb of Julius II1545MarbleSan Pietro in Vincoli, Rome Moses1515Marble, height 235 cmSan Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
Moses (detail)1515MarbleSan Pietro in Vincoli, Rome Rachel and Leah1545Marble, height 197 and 209 cm, respectivelySan Pietro in Vincoli, Rome Slave (Atlas)1519-36Marble, height 208 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Slave (Atlas)1519-36Marble, height 208 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Slave (bearded)1519-36Marble, height 248 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence
Slave (awakening)1519-36Marble, height 267 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Slave (awakening)1519-36Marble, height 267 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Slave (young)1519-36Marble, height 235 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Slave (young)1519-36Marble, height 235 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Slave (dying)c. 1513Marble, height 229 cmMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Slave (dying)c. 1513Marble, height 229 cmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Slave (dying)c. 1513Marble, height 229 cmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Slave (dying), detailc. 1513MarbleMus�e du Louvre, Paris Slave (rebelling)c. 1513Marble, height 229 cmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Slave (rebelling)c. 1513Marble, height 229 cmMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Tomb of Julius II-DrawingGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence View of the Medici Chapel1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence View of the Medici Chapel1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence View of the Medici Chapel1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Ceiling of the Medici Chapel1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence
Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici1526-33Marble, 630 x 420 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici1526-33Marble, 630 x 420 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici (detail)1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici (detail)1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici (detail)1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence
Night1526-33Marble, length: 194 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Night (detail)1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Night (detail)1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Day1526-33Marble, length: 185 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Day (rear view)1526-33Marble, length: 185 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence
Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici1524-31Marble, 630 x 420 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici1524-31Marble, 630 x 420 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici (detail)1524-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici (detail)1524-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Dusk1524-31Marble, length: 195 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence
Dusk1524-31Marble, length: 195 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Dawn1524-31Marble, length: 203 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Dusk and Dawn1524-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Dawn (detail)1524-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Medici Madonna1521-31Marble, height 226 cmSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence
Medici Madonna, between Sts Cosmas and Damian1521-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Medici Madonna (detail)1521-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Medici Madonna (detail)1521-31MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Candelabrum Pedestalc. 1531MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence Wall Decoration1526-33MarbleSagrestia Nuova, San Lorenzo, Florence
Pietà1499Marble, height 174 cm, width at the base 195 cmBasilica di San Pietro, Vatican Pietà1499Marble, height 174 cm, width at the base 195 cmBasilica di San Pietro, Vatican Pietà (detail)1499MarbleBasilica di San Pietro, Vatican Pietà (detail)1499MarbleBasilica di San Pietro, Vatican Pietà (detail)1499MarbleBasilica di San Pietro, Vatican
Palestrina Pietà-Marble, height 253 cmGalleria dell'Accademia, Florence Pietàc. 1550Marble, height 226 cmMuseo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence Pietàc. 1550Marble, height 226 cmMuseo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence Pietà (detail)c. 1550MarbleMuseo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence Pietà (detail)c. 1550MarbleMuseo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence
Pietà Rondanini, (unfinished)1552-64Marble, height 195 cmCastello Sforzesco, Milan Pietà Rondanini, (unfinished)1552-64Marble, height 195 cmCastello Sforzesco, Milan Pietà Rondanini, (unfinished)1552-64Marble, height: 195 cmCastello Sforzesco, Milan Pietà Rondanini (detail)1552-64MarbleCastello Sforzesco, Milan Pietà Rondanini (detail)1552-64MarbleCastello Sforzesco, Milan
The Holy Family with the infant St. John the Baptist (the Doni tondo)c. 1506Tempera on panel, diameter 120 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence The Holy Family with the infant St. John the Baptist (the Doni tondo)c. 1506Tempera on panel, diameter 120 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence The Doni Tondo (framed)c. 1506Tempera on panel, diameter 120 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence The Doni Tondo (detail)c. 1506Tempera on panelGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Virgin and Child with St John and Angelsc. 1497Egg tempera on panel, 105 x 77 cmNational Gallery, London
Entombmentc. 1510Tempera on wood, 159 x 149 cmNational Gallery, London Leda and the Swan1535-60Oil on canvas, 105 x 135 cmNational Gallery, London View of the Chapel--Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican The Conversion of Saul1542-45Fresco, 625 x 661 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican The Conversion of Saul (detail)1542-45Fresco, width of detail 202 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican
The Conversion of Saul (detail)1542-45Fresco, width of detail 114 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican The Conversion of Saul (detail)1542-45Fresco, width of detail 63 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican The Conversion of Saul (detail)1542-45Fresco, width of detail 101 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican Martyrdom of St Peter1546-50Fresco, 625 x 662 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican Martyrdom of St Peter (detail)1546-50Fresco, 625 x 662 cm (full fresco)Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican
Martyrdom of St Peter (detail)1546-50Fresco, width of detail 151 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican Martyrdom of St Peter (detail)1546-50Fresco, width of detail 74 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican Martyrdom of St Peter (detail)1546-50Fresco, width of detail 95 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican Martyrdom of St Peter (detail)1546-50Fresco, width of detail 101 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican Martyrdom of St Peter (detail)1546-50Fresco, width of detail 108 cmCappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican
Interior of the Sistine Chapel1475-83, 1508-12, 1535-41FrescoesCappella Sistina, Vatican Interior of the Sistine Chapel1475-83, 1508-12, 1535-41FrescoesCappella Sistina, Vatican Interior of the Sistine Chapel1475-83, 1508-12FrescoesCappella Sistina, Vatican Reconstruction of the interior1480sFrescoesCappella Sistina, Vatican Interior of the Sistine Chapel1475-83, 1508-12FrescoesCappella Sistina, Vatican
The ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The ceiling (detail)1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The ceiling (detail)1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The ceiling (detail)1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Lunette and Popes1475-83, 1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Detail of the wall decoration1475-83, 1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Exterior of the Sistine Chapel1475-83-Cappella Sistina, Vatican Exterior of the Sistine Chapel1475-83-Cappella Sistina, Vatican
Frescoes above the entrance wall1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The first bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The second bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The third bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The fourth bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The fifth bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The sixth bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The seventh bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The eighth bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The ninth bay of the ceiling1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Frescoes above the altar wall1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Drunkenness of Noah (with ignudi and medallions)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Drunkenness of Noah1509Fresco, 170 x 260 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Drunkenness of Noah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Drunkenness of Noah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Drunkenness of Noah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Deluge1508-09Fresco, 280 x 570 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Deluge (detail)1508-09FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Deluge (detail)1508-09FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Deluge (detail)1508-09FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Sacrifice of Noah (with ignudi and medallions)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Sacrifice of Noah1509Fresco, 170 x 260 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Sacrifice of Noah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Sacrifice of Noah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Sacrifice of Noah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden1509-10Fresco, 280 x 570 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Expulsion from Garden of Eden1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Expulsion from Garden of Eden1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Eve (with ignudi and medallions)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Eve1509-10Fresco, 170 x 260 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Creation of Eve (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Eve (detail)1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Adam1510Fresco, 280 x 570 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Adam1510Fresco, 280 x 570 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Adam (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Creation of Adam (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Adam (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of Adam (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Separation of the Earth from the Waters (with ignudi and medallions)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Separation of the Earth from the Waters1511Fresco, 155 x 270 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Separation of the Earth from the Waters (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants1511Fresco, 280 x 570 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Separation of Light from Darkness (with ignudi and medallions)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Separation of Light from Darkness1511Fresco, 180 x 260 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Separation of Light from Darkness (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ignudo (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ignudo1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ignudo1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Zechariah1509Fresco, 360 x 390 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Zechariah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Zechariah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Zechariah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Joel1509Fresco, 355 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Joel (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Joel (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Putti1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Isaiah1509Fresco, 365 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Isaiah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Isaiah (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ezekiel1510Fresco, 355 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ezekiel (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ezekiel (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Daniel1511Fresco, 395 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Daniel (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Daniel (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jeremiah1511Fresco, 390 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Jeremiah (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Jeremiah (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jeremiah (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jonah1511Fresco, 400 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Jonah (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jonah (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Jonah (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Delphic Sibyl1509Fresco, 350 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Delphic Sibyl (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Delphic Sibyl (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Erythraean Sibyl1509Fresco, 360 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Erythraean Sibyl (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Putti1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Erythraean Sibyl (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Cumaean Sibyl1510Fresco, 375 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Cumaean Sibyl (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Persian Sibyl1511Fresco, 400 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Libyan Sibyl1511Fresco, 395 x 380 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Libyan Sibyl (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Judith and Holofernes1509Fresco, 570 x 970 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Judith and Holofernes (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Judith and Holofernes (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Bronze nudes1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican David and Goliath1509Fresco, 570 x 970 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican David and Goliath (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican David and Goliath (detail)1509FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Bronze nudes1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Punishment of Haman1511Fresco, 585 x 985 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Punishment of Haman (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Punishment of Haman (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Bronze nudes1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Brazen Serpent1511Fresco, 585 x 985 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Brazen Serpent1511Fresco, 585 x 985 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican The Brazen Serpent (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican The Brazen Serpent (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Bronze nudes1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
The Ancestors of Christ in the Lunettes1511-12SketchCappella Sistina, Vatican Eleazar - Matthan1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Eleazar - Matthan (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Eleazar - Matthan (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Eleazar - Matthan (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Jacob - Joseph1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Jacob - Joseph (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jacob - Joseph (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jacob - Joseph (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jacob - Joseph (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Achim - Eliud1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Achim - Eliud (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Achim - Eliud (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Azor - Zadok1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Azor - Zadok (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Azor - Zadok (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Zerubbabel - Abiud - Eliakim1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Zerubbabel - Abiud - Eliakim (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Zerubbabel - Abiud - Eliakim (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Josiah - Jechoniah - Shealtiel1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Josiah - Jechoniah - Shealtiel (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Josiah - Jechoniah - Shealtiel (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Hezekiah - Manasseh - Amon1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Hezekiah - Manasseh - Amon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Hezekiah - Manasseh - Amon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Hezekiah - Manasseh - Amon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Uzziah - Jotham - Ahaz1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Uzziah - Jotham - Ahaz (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Uzziah - Jotham - Ahaz (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Asa - Jehoshaphat - Joram1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Asa - Jehoshaphat - Joram (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Asa - Jehoshaphat - Joram (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Rehoboam - Abijah1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Rehoboam - Abijah (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Rehoboam - Abijah (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Jesse - David - Solomon1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Jesse - David - Solomon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Jesse - David - Solomon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Salmon - Boaz - Obed1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Salmon - Boaz - Obed (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Salmon - Boaz - Obed (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Salmon - Boaz - Obed (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Nahshon1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Nahshon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Nahshon (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Amminadab1511-12Fresco, 215 x 430 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Amminadab (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Amminadab (detail)1511-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Perez - Hezron - Ram1511-12EngravingCappella Sistina, Vatican Abraham - Isaac - Jacob - Judah1511-12EngravingCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ancestors of Christ: figures1509Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1509Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1509Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1509Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1510Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ancestors of Christ: figures (detail)1510FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1510Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1510Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1511Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ancestors of Christ: figures1511Fresco, 240 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1511Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1511Fresco, 245 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Ancestors of Christ: figures1511Fresco, 240 x 340 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Ancestors of Christ: figures (detail)1511FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican
Medallion1511Fresco, diameter c. 135 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (extra large size image)1537-41Fresco, 1370 x 1220 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment1537-41Fresco, 1370 x 1220 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment1537-41Fresco, 1370 x 1220 cmCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Last Judgment1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail) 1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican
Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Last Judgment (detail)1537-41FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican Two Male Figures after Giotto (recto)1490-92Pen and gray and brown ink over traces of drawing in stylus, 317 x 204 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Male Figure after Masaccio, Arm Studies (recto)1492-93Red chalk, pen and brown ink, 317 x 197 mmStaatliche Gaphische Sammlung, Munich
Three Standing Men (recto)1494-96Pen and brown ink, 292 x 200 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Kneeling Man (verso)1494-96Pen and brown ink, 292 x 200 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna St Jerome1493-97Pen and gray-brown and brown ink, 285 x 209 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Study of a Mourning Woman1493-97Pen and brown ink, heightened with white, 260 x 165 mmPrivate collection One Kneeling and Two Standing Figures (recto)1493-96Pen in two shades of brown ink, traces of black chalk, 269 x 194 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem
Two Standing Figures in Profile (verso)1493-96Pen in two shades of brown ink, 269 x 194 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Woman Hoeing and Sitting Man (recto)1493-96Pen and brown ink, black pencil, 208 x 233 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Head of a Satyr1501-03Pen in brown and gray-brown ink, 130 x 130 mmBritish Museum, London Kneeling Female Nude in Profile (recto)1503-04Pen and brown ink on paper partly prepared in red, 258 x 153 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Battle of Cascina (central section)1505Oil on panel, 77 x 130 cmHolkham Hall, Norfolk
Battle Scene1504Pen and ink on paper, 179 x 251 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Study for the Battle of Cascinac. 1504Pencil and silverpoint on paper, 235 x 356 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Figure Studies (verso)1503-04Black chalk, 258 x 153 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Standing Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto)c. 1503Pen and brown ink, 387 x 195 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto)1503-04Black chalk, pen and brown ink, 260 x 170 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford
Nude Rider Mounting a Horse and a Male Nude (verso)1503-04Black chalk, 260 x 170 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Male Nude, Seen from the Rear1503-04Pen and brown ink, 409 x 285 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Group of Three Male Nudes (recto)1503-04Black chalk over drawing in stylus, 332 x 174 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Studies of Nudes (verso)1503-04Pen and brown ink, black chalk, 332 x 174 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto)1503-04Black chalk, 218 x 174 mmFogg Art Museum, Cambridge
Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto)1503-04Black pencil, 282 x 203 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Two Nude Studies (recto)c. 1504Pen and brown ink over drawing in black chalk, 270 x 196 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (verso)c. 1504Black chalk, heightened with white, 270 x 196 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Seven Studies of a Raised Arm with Shoulder Jointc. 1504Pen and brown ink, black chalk, 226 x 315 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Sitting Male Nude (recto)c. 1504Pen and brown ink, gray-brown wash, heightened in white, over drawing in stylus, 420 x 285 mmBritish Museum, London
Male Nude, Seen from the Right (recto)c. 1504Black chalk, heightened with white, 405 x 225 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Study of a Male Nude (recto)c. 1504Black chalk, partial white heightening, 404 x 260 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Kneeling Male Nude-Black chalk on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Three Studies of a Leg-Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Nude Man Turned to the Right1510-11Chalk, 250 x 96 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Helmeted Head of a Youth, and Other Studies (recto)1503-04Pen and brown ink, black pencil, 205 x 253 mmKunsthalle, Hamburg Bust of a Warrior, and a Head in Profile1503-04Pen and brown ink, 139 x 115 mmMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam Galloping Rider, a Horse, and Other Studies1503-04Pen and brown ink, black chalk, leadpoint, 190 x 260 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Horse with Two Riders (recto)1508-09Black chalk, 222 x 198 mmMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam Male Nude (recto)1501-02Pen and brown ink, 337 x 162 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Various Studies (verso)1501-02Pen and brown ink, brown wash, stylus, 337 x 162 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Male Nude (recto)c. 1503Pen in two shades of brown, 375 x 197 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Study of Two Women, One with Child (verso)c. 1503Pen in brown, over traces of drawing in leadpoint, 375 x 197 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Project for a Wall Tomb for Pope Julius II1512-13Pen and brown ink, light-brown wash over black chalk, 510 x 319 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York Tomb of Julius II-DrawingGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Studies of Arms and Hands (recto)c. 1513Red chalk, pen and brown ink, 284 x 207 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Study of a Standing Male Nude Figure (recto)1520-21Black chalk, 382 x 223 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Nude Man from the Front1520-21Pen drawing, 205 x 113 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Studies for The Risen Christ (recto)1518-19Red and black chalk, pen and brown ink, 238 x 209 mmPrivate collection Studies for The Risen Christ (verso)1518-19Red chalk, pen and brown ink, 238 x 209 mmPrivate collection
Studies of a Male Torso and Left Leg (verso)1519-21Black chalk, traced with a stylus, 404 x 260 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Studies of Two Wrestlers and Other Studies (recto)1524-25Red chalk, pen and brown ink, 283 x 423 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Man Abducting a Woman (recto)1524-25Black chalk, 116 x 97 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Man Abducting a Woman (verso)1524-25Black chalk, 116 x 97 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem The Sacrifice of Isaac1524-26Black and red chalk, 415 x 290 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence
Two Studies of an Outstretched Right Arm (verso)1508-09Black chalk, 222 x 198 mmMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam Study of Adam1508-09Black chalk, 396 x 254 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Various Studies of Figures and Limbs (verso)c. 1511Red chalk, leadpoint, 279 x 211 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Various figure Studies (verso)1511-12Red chalk over deawing in stylus, 265 x 195 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Study for Adamc. 1510Red chalk, 193 x 259 mmBritish Museum, London
Bearded Head in Profile (recto)c. 1508Black chalk, 435 x 276 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Study for the Head of the Cumeaen Sibyl (recto)1508-10Black chalk, 320 x 228 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin Studies for the Libyan Sibyl (recto)1511-12Red chalk, 289 x 214 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York Studies for the Libyan Sibyl (verso)1511-12Black chalk, 289 x 214 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York Head Study of a Smiling Youth (recto)1508-09Black chalk, white heightening, 305 x 210 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Youthful Nude (verso)1508-09Black chalk over drawing in stylus, 305 x 210 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Sitting Nude Figures1508-09Black chalk, partly reworked in pen and brown ink, 414 x 270 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Sitting Male Nude (recto)c. 1511Red chalk, heightened with white, 279 x 211 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Male Head in Profile and Leg Studies (recto)1511-12Red chalk, 265 x 195 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Nude Study of a Sitting Youth (recto)1511-12Red chalk heightened with white, 272 x 192 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna
Nude Study1510-11ChalkTeylers Museum, Haarlem Study of a Man1510-11ChalkMus�e de Poitiers, Poitiers Compositional Sketch for Four Studies for the Crucified Haman (recto)c. 1512Red chalk, 406 x 207 mmBritish Museum, London Five Studies for the Figure of Haman (recto)c. 1512Red and black chalk, 251 x 202 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem
Two Sitting Figures (verso)1508-10Black chalk, 320 x 228 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin Study of a Seated Woman-ChalkMus�e Cond�, Chantilly Various Studies (verso)1533-34Black chalk, 398 x 282 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Study for the Last Judgment1533-34Black chalk, 192 x 287 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Studies for a Flying Angel (recto)1534-36Black chalk, 407 x 272 mmBritish Museum, London
Studies for a Flying Angel (verso)1534-36Black chalk, 407 x 272 mmBritish Museum, London Study of a Male Nude (recto)1534-36Black chalk on brown paper, 242 x 182 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (verso)1534-36Black chalk on brown paper, 242 x 182 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Kneeling Male Nude, Seen from the Rear1534-36Black chalk, 269 x 168 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Male Figures1530sChalkMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Sonnet with a Caricaturec. 1510Pen and brown ink, 283 x 200 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Design for a Double Tomb in the Medici Chapel (verso)1520-21Black chalk, 382 x 223 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Male Torso (recto)1524-25Black chalk, 332 x 258 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Four Studies of a Bent Arm (verso)1524-25Red chalk, 332 x 258 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Three Studies of a Left Arm and Shoulder1524-25Black chalk, 162 x 264 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem
Study of a Left Leg (recto)1524-25Black chalk, 207 x 247 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Study of a Left Leg and Knee (recto)1524-25Black chalk, 207 x 247 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Studies of Two Male Torsi and a Right Leg1524-25Pen and brown ink, 262 x 266 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Grotesque Heads (recto)1524-25Red chalk, 260 x 410 mmStädelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt Studies of Heads, an Ear, and a Leg (verso)1524-25Red and black chalk, 260 x 410 mmStädelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt
Studies of grotesque heads1530Red chalk, 255 x 350 mmBritish Museum, London The Resurrection (recto)1531-32Black chalk, traces of red chalk, 240 x 347 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor Resurrection of Christc. 1530Red chalk, 152 x 171 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris The Resurrection (recto, detail)1531-32Black chalk, traces of red chalkRoyal Collection, Windsor The Risen Christ1532-34Black chalk, 325 x 190 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence
The Risen Christ1532-34Black chalk, traces of stylus, 373 x 221 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor Resurrection of Christ1532-33Black pencil, 381 x 252 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Study of Nude Figures-Black chalk, pen and brown ink, 180 x 210 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence The Punishment of Tityus (recto)1532Black chalk, 190 x 330 mmRoyal Library, Windsor The Punishment of Tityus (detail)1532Black chalk, 190 x 330 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Study for a Risen Christ (verso)1532Black chalk, 190 x 330 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor The Rape of Ganymede1550sBlack chalk on brownish paper, 361 x 275 mmFogg Art Museum, Cambridge The Fall of Phaethonc. 1533Black chalk, 413 x 234 mmRoyal Library, Windsor The Fall of Phaethonc. 1533Black chalk, 313 x 217 mmBritish Museum, London Six Figures in Startled Postures (recto)1532-34Red chalk, 110 x 192 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem
Cleopatra (recto)1533-34Black chalk on paper, 225 x 170 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Study for Cleopatra (verso)c. 1533Black chalk on paper, 225 x 170 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Allegorical figurec 1530ChalkCasa Buonarroti, Florence Portrait of a Woman (recto)1530sPen and brown ink, over black and red chalk, 320 x 256 mmBritish Museum, London Portrait of a Woman (verso)1530sBlack chalk, 320 x 256 mmBritish Museum, London
Virgin and Child (verso)c. 1503Pen and brown ink, 387 x 195 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Study of a Head Looking Upward (recto)1504-07Red chalk, 199 x 172 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence St Anne with the Virgin and the Christ Childc. 1505Pen, 254 x 177 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Bust of the Virgin in Profile, the Child Reclining on a Cushion1503-04Pen and brown ink, 282 x 210 mmStaatliche Museen, Berlin Madonna and Child1522-25Black and red chalk, pen and brown ink on brownish paper, 541 x 396 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence
Madonna and Child with the Infant St John (recto)1529-30Red chalk, 290 x 204 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris The Holy Family with the Infant St John (verso)1529-30Red chalk, 290 x 204 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Madonna and Child with the Infant St Johnc. 1533Black chalk, 314 x 200 mmBritish Museum, London The Holy Family with the Infant St John1533-34Black chalk over drawing in stylus, 317 x 191 mmBritish Museum, London Madonna and Child with the Infant St John (recto)c. 1532Black chalk, 317 x 210 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor
Head of a Woman (recto)1540-43Black chalk, 212 x 142 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor Study for an Annunciation (recto)1547Black chalk on paper, 281 x 195 mmBritish Museum, London Study for an Annunciation (verso)1547Black chalk on paper, 281 x 195 mmBritish Museum, London Madonna and Child with St Anne (recto)-Pen and ink, 325 x 260 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris The Crucifixion of Christ and the Two Thieves1522-24Red chalk, 394 x 281 mmBritish Museum, London
Studies for the Descent from the Cross (recto)1522-24Red chalk over drawing in stylus, 271 x 191 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Head Studies and a Female Figure Leaning Forward (verso)1522-24Red and black chalk, 271 x 191 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem The Lamentation of Christ1523-25Red chalk, partially over a drawing in black chalk, 320 x 249 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna The Lamentation of Christ1531-34Red chalk over black chalk, 411 x 234 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Male Nude Surrounded by Several Figures1532-34Black chalk on primed paper, 285 x 248 mmHessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt
Studies of the Crucified Christ (recto)1534-36Black chalk, 330 x 229 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Study for the Colonna Pietàc. 1538Black chalk, 295 x 195 mmIsabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston Christ on the Crossc. 1541Black and white chalk, 368 x 268 mmBritish Museum, London Epiphany1550-53Black chalk on paper, 2327 x 1656 mmBritish Museum, London Crucified Christ with Mary and Johnc. 1550Black chalk and white paint for corrections, 413 x 286 mmBritish Museum, London
Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and St John1555-64Black chalk, white heightening, 412 x 279 mmBritish Museum, London Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and St John (recto)1555-64Black chalk, traces of red chalk, 405 x 218 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and St John1555-64Black chalk and white heightening, 382 x 210 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor Christ Crucified between the Virgin and St Johnc. 1552-54Black chalk, brown wash and white lead, 433 x 290 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Descent from the Cross1555Red chalk on pale buff paper, 375 x 280 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford
Male Upper Body with Folded Hands (verso)1511-12Red and black chalk, pen and brown ink, 272 x 192 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna The Flagellation of Christ1516Red chalk, 235 x 236 mmBritish Museum, London Christ in Limbo1516Red and black chalk, 163 x 149 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Madonna with Child1516-17Red chalk, 127 x 98 mmMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam Woman with a Distaff and Three Children (recto)1515-20Red chalk and traces of black chalk, 212 x 283 mmChrist Church Picture Gallery, Oxford
Study of a Left Male Leg (verso)1515-20Red and black chalk, 212 x 283 mmChrist Church Picture Gallery, Oxford The Lamentation of Christ (recto)1533-34Black chalk, 282 x 262 mmBritish Museum, London Upper Body of a Sitting Man and Study of a Right Arm (recto)1533-34Black chalk, 398 x 282 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Pietà1533-34Black chalk, 254 x 318 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris Aeneas with a Boy (recto)1553-56Black chalk, 137 x 180 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem
Study of a Prophet or Evangelist (verso)1553-56Black chalk, 137 x 180 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Ideal Face1512-30Red chalk, 203 x 165 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Bust of a Young Man (recto)1524-25Red chalk, 282 x 200 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford A Man Lifting a Boar onto his Shoulder (verso)1524-25Red chalk, 282 x 200 mmAshmolean Museum, Oxford Study of a Child's Head (recto)1524-26Black chalk, 235 x 161 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem
Study of an Inclined Head1529-30Red chalk, 355 x 270 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Archers Shooting at a Herm (recto)c. 1530Red chalk, 219 x 323 mmRoyal Collection, Windsor Sitting Nude Figures1531-35Black chalk, 172 x 198 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna The Damned Soulc. 1525Ink on paper, 357 x 251 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence Satyr's Head-Pen and brown ink, 280 x 210 mmMus�e du Louvre, Paris
Project for the fa�ade of San Lorenzo, Florencec. 1517Black and red chalk, 140 x 180 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Model for the fa�ade of San Lorenzo, Florence1517Wood, 210 x 280 cmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Studyc. 1525Pen and traces of chalk on paper, 410 x 570 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Laurentian Library1530-Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Florence Staircase in the Vestibule1530MarbleBiblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Florence
Vestibule1530MarbleBiblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Florence Laurentian Library1530-Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Florence Piazza Campidoglio1548-Piazza Campidoglio, Rome Design for the Capitoline Hill1548Engraving- Capitoline Hill--Piazza Campidoglio, Rome
Palazzo dei Conservatori1560s-Piazza Campidoglio, Rome Palazzo Senatorio1560s-Piazza Campidoglio, Rome Palazzo Nuovo1603-54-Piazza Campidoglio, Rome Fa�ade of the Farnese Palace1548-Palazzo Farnese, Rome Project for St Peter's in Rome1547Engraving-
Model for the dome1560Lime wood, 500 x 400 x 200 cmMusei Vaticani, Vatican Model for the dome of St. Peter's1560Lime wood, 500 x 400 x 200 cmMusei Vaticani, Vatican Dome of St Peter's1564-Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican Dome of St Peter's1564-Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican Interior of the dome--Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican
Section of the Dome of Saint Peter's (recto)1546-49Black chalk, 397 x 232 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Ground Plan of the Lantern and Figure Sudies1546-49Black chalk, 397 x 232 mmTeylers Museum, Haarlem Plan for a Churchc. 1560InkCasa Buonarroti, Florence Study for Porta Piac. 1560Black pencil, pen and brown watercolour on brown paper, 470 x 280 mmCasa Buonarroti, Florence Study for the Porta Piac. 1561Black chalk, brown ink, 44,2 x 28,1 cmCasa Buonarroti, Florence
Porta Piabegun 1562-Porta Pia, Rome Porta Piabegun 1562-Porta Pia, Rome Ignudo1509-10FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican

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